
Title: Earthdawn Journal, Vol. 9
Abbreviation: EDJ9

Product Number: SOK109
Price: $6.50

Notes: With issue 9 (unfortunately the last issue), we see the role of editor change hands from Kevin Knight to Andrew Ragland and his wife, Tiffany. Right off the bat the reader will notice changes in the design and layout. The magazine is sectioned with articles falling into those sections, rather than being placed seemingly at random as with the previous issues. There is more space between the lines of text for easier reading and just an overall sense of openess as the vertical line between page columns and horizontal line at the top of each page is now gone. The typeface used for the headings, subheadings, and titles is also more distinct than the typeface use for the articles' body text. Of greater note is the quality of the articles. It's not that the content was bad before and great with this issue; it's that there are a lot less grammatical errors, which seemed to plague the first eight issues. Having polished articles makes for a better reading experience and gives the journal a more professional feel.

Overall there is just a more consistent sense of design and flow. In no way am I saying the previous issues' design choices hindered one from enjoying the material or prevented one from consuming the information only that there is a recognizable difference in the design. I wish the Earthdawn Journal could have continued for many more issues as I would have liked to have seen what other directions the magazine could have gone in under Andrew and Tiffany editorial eye.

Journal Contents:

Adventurer's Guild — Heritance by Kathleen Czechowski
This is an adventure that can that can be played between Mists of Betrayal and Terror in the Skies, or it can be used without either one.

The Grimoire by Andrew Ragland, Jon Brode, Eric Campeau, Marc Beyer, and James Rocco
Spells for each caster discipline and an article on theory behind spell magic

Children of Jaspree — Swamp Creatures by Andrew Ragland

The Magic Shop —Night Crawler by Eric Campeau

Ways of the Adept — Mystic Warrior Knacks by Robert Fulford
The Mystic Warrior Discipline can be found in Earthdawn Journal #2.

In My Barsaive — Guilds and Societies by Robert Fulford
A treatise on the Silver Quill Society